Most will have heard of the new Apple Macs with Intel chips in them. I support Apple as much as my conviction and 'resources' allow, being that my loyalty has made me somewhat lighter in the pockets. Check out www.apple.com.
Definitely good stuff, but my inclination is to wait and see. As Apple CEO Steve Jobs always deliver his "And One More Thing...", Apple rumors and inside news sites have speculated the arrival of even better things to come, with a source inside Apple claiming this is only the tip of the iceberg. It is claimed that these products were supposed to be launched during the recent MacWorld Expo (a big event in the Mac world, where news and new products are announced), but developmental setbacks have delayed any final product or prototype.
I would encourage whoever to look into these new Macs, coz any recent Mac is a very good product in itself, IMHO. However, as some people are still trying to load Windows unto the new Intel Macs and possibly the expectance of new stuff, I will wait and see. Refer to www.macrumors.com for news that might be of use to you, I find the site reliable and quite accurate.
Yeah yeah, I love my Mac. And iPod. And virus free operation. And spyware free...
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